Category Archives: LDNS
LDNS for Windows – Source
Should have done this earlier. I’ve had several requests for the LDNS library that I built on Windows, so here it is. I’ll be the first to admit that it’s a quick and dirty port, with minimal testing. Around the … Continue reading
LDNS on Windows – Success!
FINALLY! ldns is now working on Windows. More polish would be good, but it is working. Ultimately the changes weren’t too tough. Had to find replacements for a couple of functions (gettimeofday and getopts) and add a function for creating … Continue reading
LDNS on Windows, take 2
After many attempts, and just recently finding posts on Google groups from someone else trying to do the same thing (use ldns from XPCOM) it’s become obvious that linking the VC++ built XPCOM libraries with Cygwin built ldns just won’t … Continue reading
Mixing Cygwin, XPCOM, ldns
In my continuing adventures working on a .tel extension for Thunderbird, I’ve switched to using ldns for the DNS lookups. After a bit of futzing around to give ldns the ability to get the DNS server addresses from the Windows … Continue reading